Fördjupning om Ukraina och krigssituationen
Ta del av fysisk och digital fördjupning via Anna Lindh-biblioteket.
Med anledning av konflikten i Ukraina har vi sammanställt en lista med olika källor till fördjupning.
Listan kommer att uppdateras. Besök även vår utställning i biblioteket om Ukraina.
Crisis Crossroads: Ukraine / Center for strategic and international studies
Webbplatsens egen beskrivning:
The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan, nonprofit policy research organization dedicated to advancing practical ideas to address the world’s greatest challenges.
Webbplatsens egen beskrivning:
The Jamestown Foundation’s mission is to inform and educate policy makers and the broader community about events and trends in those societies which are strategically or tactically important to the United States and which frequently restrict access to such information.
Security Crisis in and around Ukraine / NATO multimedia library / Libguide
Webbplatsens egen beskrivning:
NATO LibGuides are web-based research guides that contain publicly available information from the Internet that have been handpicked by the NATO Library staff.
Institute of the Study of war / Ukraine crisis coverage
Webbplatsens egen beskrivning:
The Institute for the Study of War advances an informed understanding of military affairs through reliable research, trusted analysis, and innovative education.
Kontakt: alb@fhs.se
- Publicerad:
- 2023-01-26
- Senast uppdaterad:
- 2023-02-27