New student

Here we have gathered useful information for new students. Welcome to the Anna Lindh Library!
Contact information
» Points of contact and opening hours
The university library is available from 06.00 to 22.00 for students, employees and staff who have access cards to the Swedish Defence University. When the library is staffed, the public are also welcome.
» Practical information
If you are a student at Swedish Defence University you borrow literature with your FHS account. As from the autumn term of 2020 students will not obtain a physical library card.
When you have received your FHS account and password you log in to My loans on the library web site and change your PIN code. Then you can borrow in the library´s self service machines with your personnummer (Swedish social security number) and your PIN code.
Borrowing, renewals and reservations
You can borrow books yourself using the self service machine with your library card or personal ID number and your PIN code. The loan period for books is 28 days.
You can renew books and reserve books that are checked out by logging in to My loans on the library's website.
Books that are available on the shelves of the main library cannot be reserved: you pick up them up from the shelf yourself and borrow them.
» Read more about My loans
Search for course literature
You can search for course literature in Primo on the library's homepage. The search service includes both printed course literature and e-books.
Computers and wireless network
At the entrance of the main library there are computers limited for searches in the library's search tool Primo. Here you can search for both printed and electronic books, such as course literature.
Use our public computers if you wish to access and read e-resources such as e-books or the full text of journal articles. There is one in the main library and one at Karlberg. The computers are fully equipped with MS Office. You log in with your personal ID number or library card number and PIN code. If you are using your own computer, log in with your FHS account.
Wireless network
Access to the wireless network is available through the Eduroam network service.
» Read more about the library's computers and the wifi service
Questions about Eduroam, contact
Access to databases from home
As a student, you can access the library's e-resources remotely. You log in in the same way as to your FHS account.
» The remote login page
» The library´s licensed databases
Copy and print
The library has a copier/printer that is connected to the public computers in the IT area. You can also access it from a private computer via the Eduroam wireless network. To use the printer you need your access card to the Swedish Defence University. As a student at the Swedish Defence University, you also receive 250 free printouts at the start of each semester (= SEK 150 saldo, 1 print copy SEK 0,60).
» IT Helpdesk information to students about copy and print (Swedish)
Group rooms and reading areas
There are many individual study spaces around the library.
If you would like a quieter individual study environment, there are reading areas on the library's ground floor. There are also four group rooms, which can be booked.
You use the booking and schedule system TimeEdit which can also be accessed externally on the web.
- You can book two sessions a day and use maximum four hours (240 minutes) a day.
- You can make five bookings 14 days ahead.
Help with talking books
If you have reading and writing difficulties, visual impairments or other disabilities, you are entitled to specially adapted course literature.
Learning platform, LMS
If you have questions about the FHS learning platform, contact
» Log into the FHS learning platform