

Search help Primo

Primo is a search service for collective search in most of the library's information resources. Here are printed books, magazine articles, e-books, student essays and more

Primo is a great tool to start your search. A search in Primo gives a good overview within a subject area and you also get suggestions on databases that you can immerse yourself in

This is how you search in Primo

You can easily do a search in Primo by typing one or more words into the search box on the Anna Lindh Library homepage.

In Primo can you also choose Advanced Search as an aid to specify your search. You will find a link to the advanced search to the right of the search box when you are in Primo. In the mobile phone, click the icon to the left of the magnifying glass.

Refine your search

You can refine your search in Primo by using the facets in the left margin. Delimitations can be made to, for example, publication type, publication date, subject and language.

How do you access material in full text

Everyone can search in Primo and access articles in full text.

To get distance access to literature in full text, you need to be a student or employed at the Swedish Defense University.

Databases not included in Primo

Via Primo, you reach around 80% of the library's electronic resources. Examples of a database that are not covered in Primo is Landguiden.

» Advanced search in Primo
