Equal treatment
The Swedish Defence University has zero tolerance on all forms of discrimination, harassment and abusive treatment.
If you or someone else is a victim
Talk to the Swedish Defence University's contact person if you wish to ask questions or make a report. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page. The Swedish Defence University has a duty to act if it becomes known that a student has been subjected to harassment or sexual harassment.
What happens to the report?
Reports of harassment, sexual harassment and abusive treatment are handled according to the Swedish Defence University's procedures for suspicion of harassment, sexual harassment and abusive treatment Pdf, 193 kB. and the guidelines for disciplinary cases and expulsion from studies
Pdf, 280.7 kB..
A student who is guilty of harassment can be suspended from his or her studies for a certain period of time. Read more about a safe study environment and how an investigation is conducted.
What do the terms mean?
Are you uncertain what discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or abusive treatment mean? Below you will find explanations of these terms.
A safe place to study and work
The Defence University must be a safe place for everyone. Our work against discrimination and discriminatory treatment is carried out in our Checkpoint project. Checkpoint arranges discussion forums, seminars and lectures that highlight discrimination and discriminatory treatment and how it can be combated.
Checkpoint's work is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, EU treaties and Swedish legislation, which state that all human beings are equal and that you, as a student, must be protected from negative discrimination.
Join us and make a difference
The Swedish Defence University is committed to involving students in the work against discrimination and discriminatory treatment.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the work in Checkpoint, please do not hesitate to get in touch.