
Aurorahelikoptrar i luften.

Centre for Societal Security

We provide top-notch education, evaluations, investigations, and training exercises for society's key actors in total defence and societal security.

Three departments with unique competences:

  • Analysis Support
  • Concept Education
  • Executive Education

The Centre for Societal Security unites SEDU's competence in order to address society's need for knowledge in total defence and societal security. Our areas of expertise — terrorism, total defence, information security and crisis preparedness — are anchored in a solid research foundation and experience-based knowledge.

We work closely with society's key actors to deliver useful and practical knowledge to the security sector. Within our areas of knowledge, we have an extensive network with national and international researchers and practitioners. One of our greatest strengths is our long-term perspective, which facilitates continuity for staffing and the ability to update knowledge previously provided.

The centre consists of analysis, executive education, and CATS, as well as research activities in various forms. Here, we have mobilised staff members with research expertise and long-standing experience from government agencies and other key organisations working with social security issues. Therefore, we can draw upon a number of significant resources and tie them to SEDU’s other activities so that the center's products and services are both innovative and relevant. The entire organisation is adapted to the special requirements necessary for managing important information that is relevant for total defence and other aspects of national security.

The Centre for Societal Security (CTSS) is a merger of three previous organisations: the Institute for National Defence and Security Policy Studies (IHT), the Centre for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorist Studies (CATS) and the Centre for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART). CTSS draws upon the long-term experience and expertise that each of these organisations has acquired, and consequently this provides a strong foundation for offering a wide range of services and products covering the entire chain of investigation, training, evaluation and education.

Our unique competences

Research and studies

Within Center for Societal Security, research and studies are conducted in project and program form.

More about our research and studies


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