Högskolepedagogik 1 - English

The course Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 1 is the first of the Swedish Defence University's courses in higher education pedagogy, and is aimed at those who work or will work as teachers in higher education at the Swedish Defence University.

The course is also aimed at Armed Forces personnel who are or will be the main teachers or course coordinators on VFU courses in the Officer Programme.

Aim, learning outcomes and course content

The course is a higher education pedagogical course that concerns the preconditions for the role as a university teacher as well as different aspects of higher education, such as Bildung, teaching and learning. The course deals with pedagogical concepts, perspectives and models relevant to higher education as well as the legal framework pertaining to higher education. Generic skills, gender equality, sustainable development, norm critical and diversity aware pedagogy, inclusive education, along with different forms of teaching and learning activities and types of assessments are dealt with within the course. Its main aim is to support and develop a reflective and problematizing approach to teaching and learning in higher education, and also to one’s own role as a university teacher.

General layout of the course

The course includes an auscultation, the formulation of a teaching philosophy and a written individual assignment where a chosen course is analysed using the approach constructive alignment (CA). The latter assignment also includes the use of the critical friend model and the writing of a reflective essay where CA and the use of it’s an approach to teaching and learning in higher education is problematized.

The course consists of four two-day sessions where seminar discussions and pedagogic dialogue are key elements.

Course material

The books that are required reading for the course is handed out at the beginning of the course and are for you to keep after the course is concluded. The articles used you download yourself.

Courses spring semester 2025

Course with IRL seminar sessions. The course comprises 200 study hours (which corresponds to 7,5 higher education credits). Max number of course participants is 10.

Mandatory seminar-sessions: : 4-5 February, 13-14 March, 10-11 April, 20-21 May


Sign up via the button at the top right. Please note that the course has a limited number of places and that a prioritization of the participants is based on the teacher role you have/will have.

After the registration period has ended, you will receive a confirmation of whether you have been admitted to the course or not. About two weeks before the start of the course, more detailed information about the course will be available:

  • Course description, reading list and schedule
  • instructions for setting up an account in the learning platform Canvas for those who do not already have one.


Contract education

Starting Term

Spring Term 2025


No credits


200 studyhours per course

Study pace




Language of instruction


Amount of places



200 studyhours per course financed by your organization


If you have questions about the course, please contact us.

You can reach us by e-mail: hped@fhs.se

Published 2024-10-10 Updated 2024-12-03