News published on the website of the Swedish Defence University.
Employee no longer suspected of crime against national security04 Sep 2024The employee who was arrested in the autumn of 2023 on suspicion of gross unauthorised handling of secret information is no longer suspected of any crime.
New academic year – new students03 Sep 2024On September 2, the Swedish Defence University welcomed all new students with an introduction day that offered a Vice-Chancellor's speech, panel discussions wit...
Crown Princess Victoria begins officer training together with the Officers Programme.26 Aug 2024The new cadets in the Officers' Programme (OP) were welcomed by the programme management on 16 August. It is also particularly pleasing that Crown Princess Vict...
163 new participants started the Joint Advanced Command and Staff Programme (HOP)26 Aug 2024On Monday 5 August, the Swedish Defence University welcomed 163 new students to the Joint Advanced Command and Staff Programme (HOP).
New employees in July04 Jul 2024A warm welcome to the Swedish Defence University
Kerstin Hesselgren and Olof Palme visiting professorships to the Swedish Defence University14 Jun 2024Victoria Basham and Roland Bleiker will be the holders of the Kerstin Hesselgren and Olof Palme visiting professorships, respectively, in 2026. They will be bas...
NATO top participated in NATO Youth Summit in Stockholm14 May 2024On May 13, the fourth NATO Youth Summit was held simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic - as well as in Brussels - where NATO Secretary General Jens Stolt...
Research on feminist peace in Myanmar awarded17 Apr 2024Jenny Hedström, Associate Professor of War Studies, along with Elisabeth Olivius and Zin Mar Phyo, receives the European Journal of Politics and Gender 's awa...
New centre for wargaming at the Swedish Defence University10 Apr 2024On 15 March, the Centre for Wargaming was established at the Swedish Defence University. The virtual centre will coordinate and develop the wargaming-related ac...
The Swedish Defence University now has a postgraduate program in leadership and command & control02 Apr 2024On 21 February, leadership and command & control was established as a third-cycle subject at the Swedish Defence University.