SEDU account and password
You need an FHS account and to activate multi-factor authentication (MFA) to log into the student portal, computers, student email, learning platform (Canvas), and other IT services.
Loan account in the Anna Lindh library
As a student at the Swedish Defence University you can borrow books in our library with your SEDU account. Starting autumn 2020, students will not get a library card and you should not apply for a library card on the website.
When you have received your FHS account and password you log in to My loans from the student webs startpage and change your PIN code. Then you can borrow in the libray´s self service machines with your personnummer (Swedish social security number) and your PIN code.
Canvas (LMS)
You will find a link to Canvas on the Student Web start page. You log on with your SEDU account and MFA (multi-factor authentication). If you experience any problems, please follow this check list at the start of your studies at the New student web page.
Student fault reporting