
Profilbild för Charlotte Wagnsson

Charlotte Wagnsson


Om Charlotte

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Charlotte Wagnsson is professor in political science since 2013. She received her PhD from Stockholm University 2000 with a dissertation focusing on Russian political rhetoric and public opinion. She holds a Master’s degree from Lund University and has taught at Uppsala and Stockholm University. She has been guest scholar at the Western European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris.

Charlotte Wagnsson's main research focus is the use of strategic narratives in modern propaganda, which she labels 'malign information influence' (MII). Authoritarian states and antagonistic actors project MII via digital media platforms. A key aim is to harm democratic societies from within, nurturing polarization and undermining trust in authorities, politicians and the media.

Wagnsson research is situated at the intersection between security studies, media- and communication studies and political psychology. She has published her works in journals such as International Journal of Press/Politics; Information, Communication & Society; Journal of Common Market Studies; New Media and Society and Cooperation and Conflict. She has worked on a range of issues relevant to European and global security, including for instance Russian security policy, EU and NATO. Her research on security among European great powers resulted in the book Security in a greater Europe: The possibility of a pan-European Approach (Manchester University Press).

Wagnsson supervises PhD-students and teaches master courses on strategic narratives on malign information influence in the digital media sphere.