
Profilbild för Annick Wibben

Annick Wibben

Professor, Proprefekt

  • +46 8-55342941
  • Institutionen för krigsvetenskap
  • Institutionsledning
  • Krigsvetenskap

Om Annick

Beskrivning om dig själv
Education: Vordiplom, Volkswirtschaft, University of Hamburg (Germany), 1996; MSocSc, International Relations & European Studies, University of Tampere (Finland), 1998; PhD, International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (UK), 2002.

Annick T.R. Wibben is Anna Lindh Professor of Gender, Peace & Security at the Swedish Defence University and Academic/ Deputy Head of the Department for War Studies and Military History. Previously (2005-2019) she was professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of SanFrancisco, where she also served as chair of the Politics Department, and director of both the Peace and Justice Studies and the International Studies programs. Prior to her time in San Francisco, she worked as co-Investigator (with James Der Derian) of the Information Technology, War and Peace Project [infopeace.org] at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University from 2001-2005. During this time she also taught at Brown University, Bryant University and Wellesley College and spent the fall 2003 semester in New York City as a Rockefeller Humanities Fellow with the National Council for Research on Women and the Center for the Study of Women and Society at the CUNY Graduate Center doing research on human security.

Her research straddles critical security and military studies, peace studies, international theory, and feminist international relations. She also has a keen interest in questions of methodology, representation, and writing. Her research reflects these varied interests, though she is most frequently associated with the field of Feminist Security Studies, also the subject of her first book, Feminist Security Studies: A Narrative Approach (Routledge, 2011). In 2016 she published an edited volume on Researching War: Feminist Methods, Ethics & Politics and in 2019 she co-edited a volume on Teaching Peace and War: Pedagogy and Curricula with Amanda Donahoe (both published with Routledge). She has also written numerous articles for journals such as International Political Sociology, Security Dialogue, Critical Studies on Security, Humanity, Politics & Gender. Additionally, she has edited special issues as well as contributed to blogs and other types of media.

At FHS, she heads the Gender, Peace & Security research team (including two doctoral students) and participates in several research groups (Gender, Peace & Security, Critical Security Studies and Military Organization & Profession). Currently she is working on four main projects:
(1) She continues to contribute to the revitalization of Feminist Peace Research, exploring most notably Elise Boulding’s work on utopia as well as engaging and further developing the feminist notion of “continua of violence”;
(2) Together with several FHS colleagues, she has embarked on a multi-year project evaluating gender integration efforts in the Swedish Armed Forces;
(3) She is writing a textbook on wars, militaries and gender to be used in professional military education;
(4) Together with Leena Vastapuu, and supported by a grant from NordForsk, she is developing a Feminisms and War Community across the Nordic Countries.

Prof. Wibben also serves the profession in various capacities: From 2008-2016 she was part of the Executive Committee of the International Studies Association (ISA) Feminist Theory and Gender Studies, most recently as its chair. Thereafter she served as chair of ISA's Women's Caucus from 2016-2019 and in 2017-18, she served on ISA's Executive Committee. She is also the recipient of ISA's 2017 Ladd Hollist Service Award. From January 2018 - June 2021, she was Editor for Digital Media of the International Feminist Journal of Politics [twitter: @IFJPglobal] and she continues to serve on its editorial board as well as those of Security Dialogue, International Political Sociology, International Studies Review, and the Journal of Narrative Politics.

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