Master student in Sweden
To study in Sweden is to take part of the Swedish way of doing things. It’s a lot about democracy and consensus in the process of taking decisions – and in the longterm about creating a better world together.
Cooperating and working together is the way to do it in Sweden, but swedes are at the same time shy, humble and controlled by what is called the “Ten Rules of Jante,” which is a social attitude of disapproval towards expressions of individuality and personal success.
More seriously, equality, egality and sustainability are fundamental values for most Swedes. The climate crisis has been on our minds ever since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro 1992, a wakeup call throughout Sweden for the sustainable use of natural resources but also for sustainable development. The environment has been one of our top priorities for ages.
In our long country with vast unspoiled wilderness in the north, we have more than 5,000 nature reserves. You will actually find many of these in the Stockholm area. Here you can explore forests and lakes just outside “tullarna” – the medieval customs posts – which broadly constitute the inner-city borders.
Work-life balance is taken seriously here with one of the world’s most generous parental leave benefits. Study-life balance is taken seriously as well, and at the Swedish Defence University you have many opportunities to influence your education and free time according to your interests and social needs. So, be careful not to get too comfortable here – you might end up staying longer than planned.
To embark on your studies and get started with all the necessary formalities we offer some practical information about the important fundaments for living in Sweden. Here you will find the information you need about health services, insurance, finances, personal identity numbers and other issues to simplify everyday life.