Application and tuition fees
Since Autumn Term of 2011 applicants who are not citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland must pay an application fee and tuition fees for undergraduate and postgraduate courses (in accordance with Regulation 2010:543).
Application fee
You pay an application fee of SEK 900 when you apply for a course or programme. When you apply via www.universityadmissions.se a payment is made to the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet). This fee is an administrative fee, which will not be refunded, and applies for applications for one or more courses. Applications will not be processed without this payment.
Pay your application fee (University Admissions webpage)
Tuition and course fees at the Swedish Defence University
Tuition fees at the Swedish Defence University are SEK 90 000/year (60 credits) at basic level and SEK 105 000/year (60 credits) at advanced level.
For free-standing courses the tuition fee is 1 500 SEK per credit for undergraduate courses and 1 750 SEK per credit for Master level courses. The total amount will be on your invoice.
Payment of tuition fees is required in order to obtain a student residence permit and to start your studies. Any offer of a seat is provisional until tuition fees are paid.
NB! Once you have received an offer of admission an invoice will be sent to your email address. Please do not pay the tuition fee before you receive your invoice. Your invoice comes with a reference number, that must be stated in your payment. We can not accept any payments without an invoice reference number.
Exemptions from paying the tuition fee
Generally, individuals with citizenship in a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay an application fee as well as a tuition fee. There are some exceptions to this general rule. A full list of exemption criteria is available on the website of University Admissions in Sweden.
What are the criteria (University Admissions webpage)
What does the tuition fee cover?
The tuition fee covers the course or programme that the student has been admitted to and paid for. For students studying a Bachelor's or a Master's programme, the fee normally covers 30 credits per semester. For students studying individual courses, the tuition fee covers the number of credits in the course.
The tuition fee also covers related academic administration and support services and healthcare insurance.
What doesn’t the tuition fee cover?
- Accommodation costs
- Course literature
- Living expenses
The Swedish Defence University does not guarantee an offer of accommodation (housing) for fee-paying students. For more information about tuition fees at the Swedish Defence University, contact the Student and Education Department at masterprogramme@fhs.se
Residence permits and visas
International students from outside the EU/EEA who are admitted for studies lasting longer than three months must apply for a residence permit. In order to be granted a residence permit you must be admitted to full-time studies that require full-time attendance. You apply for a residence permit at the Swedish Migration Board ("Migrationsverket").
Studying in higher education (Swedish Migration Board webpage)
For studies shorter than three months, an entry visa is instead required for citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA. Visas are issued for short-term visits up to 90 days. You will find more information on how you apply for a visa in the link to the right.
Useful information
If you are considering studying at the SEDU, you will find a couple of useful links about studying in Sweden and qualifications recognition (The Swedish Council for Higher Education.
Applications for the courses at the SEDU are made via www.universityadmissions.se unless stated otherwise at the course page on our website.